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Face-Based Biometrics

Jumio’s facial authentication software provides real-time protection against identity theft and impersonation.

How Jumio’s Facial
Authentication Technology Works

Capture Selfie

Users take a selfie with their smartphones or other devices to create a biometric template for our facial recognition system.

Evaluate Results

Our system compares the images and automatically provides scores on validity/liveness and similarity.

Compare Against ID

The facial biometrics in the selfie are compared against the photo in the ID document using artificial intelligence.

Alert Against Fraud

If our facial recognition technology detects any anomalies, we’ll alert you of possible fraud.

Protect Against Stolen Identities and Impersonations

Jumio’s biometric technology enables us to verify that an ID document truly belongs to the person making the transaction. Biometrics and face recognition software add a critical layer of protection against stolen IDs and impersonation attacks.

Biometric Identification Made Easy

It’s a simple and familiar task for your users — all they have to do is take a selfie. Jumio uses this selfie to create a biometric template and to perform advanced facial scanning.

We compare the user’s facial biometrics to the photo on the ID document and perform two checks: one for validity and liveness, and one for facial similarity.

The validity check determines whether the selfie is a valid, live selfie — not a prerecorded video, bot or deepfake.

The similarity check, which is also powered by informed AI and machine learning, determines whether the image in the selfie matches the photo in the identity document. If the similarity is too low, we alert you to the possibility of impersonation fraud.

Put simply, our technology can automatically evaluate biometric data and facial features to find out if two separate photos match up or if there is the potential for fraud.


Biometrics is the analysis of a physical characteristic to determine a user’s identity. One example is the use of fingerprint recognition as a unique identifier. Similarly, face-based biometrics is the analysis of human faces to establish identity. The use of facial recognition has been used by law enforcement agencies, such as the FBI processing facial recognition data from surveillance cameras and CCTV.

Today, all types of firms from banking to social media recognize the importance of identity proofing for protecting their business and their customers from fraudsters, and the implementation of face recognition systems has greatly expanded. Advances in artificial intelligence have made face recognition technology more accurate than ever before against spoofing, deepfakes and other types of fraud, enabling facial recognition software to catch variations that are undetectable to the human eye and to determine that a live individual is taking the selfie. Additionally, linking a face to a real-world identity document strengthens authentication, as it goes beyond ensuring this is the same person who was previously seen and ensures you know exactly who the person is.
Cybersecurity is critical for financial services and other companies who do business online. Typically, their identification systems mimic real-world processes and focus on verifying the customer’s identity by having them present a driver’s license or passport. Adding face-based biometrics both for onboarding and for ongoing authentication adds a much greater degree of assurance for various types of organizations, both in the public and private sector. Additionally, facial recognition works to deter would-be fraudsters who want to avoid using their real face.
Users can use any device — everything from laptops to Android tablets to Apple iPhones — to take and upload their selfie into the business’s app. If a device can only capture low-resolution facial images (such as a webcam), Jumio’s software allows a user to start the journey on their computer and then take the selfie using their mobile device. This support for devices from all providers ensures the broadest coverage for your customer base.
Jumio uses bank-grade security to ensure face ID scans and other personal data are protected in transit and at rest. Additionally, our facial recognition algorithms are trained on vast, diverse data sets to ensure our face detection minimizes bias and helps protect users from the discrimination that can be inherent to systems that were built on inadequate data sets. These safeguards help our customers comply with data privacy laws including GDPR and CCPA.

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image of man with facial hair smiling wearing a suit.